One more chance to love you true

In all of my life, there was an emptiness
a longing for something that I never knew.
Then I heard His Word when I was desperate for help
and He came, answered my cry and I was transformed.

But being transformed doesn’t make anyone perfect
A work has to be done that takes a lifetime.
I headed down the path, to be molded and refined.
A painful process but filled with joy in the storm.

Alone, He saw my need, my desire for someone next to me
Next to her, a pair, a knitted life, a complement to the other
You came into my life and changed me.
A part of me that I cannot forget, filling my thoughts each day.

You gave me your heart, your life, your presence
I couldn’t believe it, how blessed to be the one
Our love brought the joys of our lives, three like us and not
Nothing lacked, nothing needed, the Shepherd’s gentle care.

Then I lost my path, walked away discouraged and broke my own heart.
Instead of faith and trust, disbelief and doubt
I lost my best Friend and my best friend, thinking I was right
But all I was was lost and empty and denying what was true.

Years of hiding, years of trying to bury the voice inside crying
for the joy I had, the peace I knew, the blessing of being with you
Years in denial, asleep the darkness, never finding peace.
Then finally awake from the nightmare, shaken by the Lover of my soul.

The damage of my choices is more that I can bear, a daily sadness there.
There’s joy in His light again. To know His voice and presence.
But an emptiness in my soul I can’t escape, a desperate hole…
the place for you, but you’re gone and so far away, though near.

No one can take your place. No one has ever has
And it would be unfair to any one to pretend they could.
Don’t come back to me, but forward to a new life we’d share.
I believe, I believe, I will believe that in Him it could be.

I would fulfill the promise I made, to love you with my life.
To be kind, gentle, unselfish, believe the good, be faithful to our new love.
All the lessons I have learned, with scars and all I am, though broken.
If only… if only… I had one more chance to love you true.